Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
3808 Cardozo law review 0270-5192 Benjamin N Cardozo School of Law
3809 Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 1043-1500 Benjamin Cardozo School of Law
3810 Career and Technical Education Research 1554-754X Association for Career and Technical Education Research, Ohio State University
3811 Career Development Quarterly 0889-4019 Wiley
3812 Career World 0744-1002 Weekly Reader Corporation
3813 Caribbean Law Review 1018-3671 Caribbean Law Publishing Co
3814 Carnegie Magazine 0008-6681 Carnegie Institute
3815 The Cartographer 0315-1441 Ontario Institute of Chartered Cartographers
3816 Casabella 0008-7181 Rivista Internazionale di Architettura
3817 Case and comment 0008-7238 Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co
3818 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 0008-7254 Case Western Reserve University School of Law
3819 Case Western Reserve Law Review 0008-7262 Case Western Reserve University School of Law
3820 Catalog Age 0740-3119 Prism Business Media
3821 Catalog Success 1524-2307 North American Publishing Co
3822 Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 0163-9374 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
3823 Catalogue & Index 0008-7629 Library Association, Cataloguing and Indexing Group
3824 Catalyst for Change 0739-2532 Catalyst for Change
3825 Caterer & Hotelkeeper 0008-7777 Reed Business Information Ltd
3826 Catering Update 0269-7696 Reed Business Information Ltd
3827 Catholic Biblical Quarterly 0008-7912 The Catholic Biblical Association of America
3828 Catholic Education : A Journal of Inquiry and Practice 1097-9638 Loyola Marymount University, Center for Catholic Education
3829 Catholic Educational Review 0884-0598 Catholic University of America Press
3830 Catholic Historical Review 0008-8080 Catholic University of America Press
3831 Catholic Lawyer 0008-8137 St. John's University School of Law
3832 Catholic Library World 0008-820X Catholic Library Association
3833 Catholic University Law Review 0008-8390 Columbus School of Law
3834 Catholic world 0008-848X
3835 CD-ROM Librarian 0893-9934 Meckler Corp
3836 CD-ROM Professional 1049-0833 CD-ROM Professional
3837 CD-ROM World 1066-274X Mecklermedia Corp
3838 CEE News 1045-2710 Prism Business Media
3840 Center for Research Libraries Newsletters 0008-9087 Center for Research Libraries; Midwest Inter-Library Center
3841 The Center magazine 0008-9125 Center Magazine
3842 Central Asiatic Journal 0008-9192 Harrassowitz Verlag
3843 Central European 0962-2543 Euromoney Publications
3844 Central European History 0008-9389 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
3845 Centropa (New York, N.Y.) 1532-5563 Centropa
3846 Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 1096-6219 American Ceramic Society
3847 Ceramic industry 0009-0220 Business News Publishing Co
3848 Ceramic Review 0144-1825 Ceramic Review
3849 Ceramics -Sydney then Paddington 1035-1841 Ceramics: Art and Perception Pty. Ltd
3850 Ceramics Monthly -Ohio 0009-0328 American Ceramics Society
3851 Ceramics Technical 1324-4175 Ceramics Art
3852 Cereal Chemistry 0009-0352 American Association of Cereal Chemists
3853 Cereal Science Today 0009-0360 American Association of Cereal Chemists
3854 Cfo 8756-7113 Cfo Publishing Corporation
3855 Chain Store Age -News Magazine for Retail Executives 1087-0601 Lebhar-friedman Inc
3856 Chain Store Age Executive with Shopping Center Age 0193-1199 Lebhar-Friedman Inc
3857 Chain Store Age General Merchandise Edition 0193-1350 Executive Offices, Chain Store Age General Merchandise Group
3858 Chain Store Age General Merchandise Trends 0885-050X Executive Offices, Chain Store Age General Merchandise Group
3859 Chain Store Age Supermarkets 0193-1369 Lebhar-Friedman, Inc
3860 Challenge 0577-5132 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
3861 Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 0009-1383 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
3862 Changing times 0009-143X Changing Times, The Kiplinger Magazine
3863 Channels (New York, N.Y.: 1986) 0895-643X Channels
3864 Channels of Communications 0276-1572 Channels of Communications, Subscription Service Dept
3865 Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 1054-1500 American Institute of Physics
3866 Chapter Notes 0739-7097 Washington, D.C. Chapter, Special Libraries Association
3867 Chartered Accountants Journal of New Zealand 1172-9929 New Zealand Society of Accountants
3868 Chaucer Review 0009-2002 Penn State University Press
3869 Chemical and Engineering News 0009-2347 American Chemical Society
3870 Chemical Engineer -London then Rugby 0302-0797 Institution of Chemical Engineers
3871 Chemical Engineering -New York- Mcgraw Hill Incorporated then Chemical Week Publishing Llc 0009-2460 Chemical Week Publishing Llc
3872 Chemical engineering progress 0360-7275 Aiche American Institute of Chemical
3873 Chemical Heritage 0736-4555 Chemical Heritage Foundation
3874 Chemical Innovation 1527-4799 American Chemical Society
3875 Chemical Market Reporter 1092-0110 Icis Publications
3876 Chemical Marketing Reporter 0090-0907 Schnell Publishing Company, Inc
3877 Chemical Reviews 0009-2665 American Chemical Society
3878 Chemical Week 0009-272X Chemical Week Associates
3879 Chemist 0009-3025 Bethesda, MD, American Institute of Chemists
3880 Chemistry 0163-1519
3881 Chemistry and Industry 0009-3068 Wiley
3882 Chemtech -Washington DC 0009-2703 American Chemical Society
3883 Chicago (1975) 0362-4595 PRIMEDIA Consumer Media and Magazine Group
3884 Chicago bar record 0009-3505 Chicago Bar Record
3885 Chicago Journal of International Law 1529-0816 The University of Chicago Law School
3886 Chicago Review 0009-3696 University of Chicago Press
3887 Chicago Kent Law Review 0009-3599 Chicago-kent College of Law
3888 Chicago-Kent Police Law Reporter 0577-7216 Chicago-Kent College of Law, Institute for Criminal Justice
3889 Chicano-Latino Law Review 1061-8899 Chicano-Latino Law Review
3890 Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 0738-0151 Springer Verlag
3891 Child and Youth Care Forum 1053-1890 Springer Verlag
3892 Child & Youth Care Quarterly 0893-0848 Springer-Verlag
3893 Child Abuse and Neglect 0145-2134 Elsevier
3894 Child Care Information Exchange 0164-8527 Exchange Press Inc
3895 Child care quarterly 0045-6632 Springer-Verlag
3896 Child Development 0009-3920 Wiley
3897 Child Education 0009-3947 Scholastic Publications Ltd
3898 Child Psychiatry and Human Development 0009-398X Springer Verlag
3899 Child Study Journal 0009-4005 State University of New York, College at Buffalo
3900 Child Welfare -New York 0009-4021 Child Welfare League of America
3901 Childhood Education 0009-4056 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
3902 Children & libraries 1542-9806 American Library Association
3903 Children and Schools 1532-8759 Oxford University Press (OUP)
3904 Children and Youth Services Review 0190-7409 Elsevier
3905 Children 0009-4064 Office of Child Development
3906 Children today 0361-4336 Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
3907 Childrens Legal Rights Journal 0278-7210 William S. Hein & Co
3908 Childrens Literature 0092-8208 Yale University Press